11 things you should know before eyebrow microblading - personal experience - HD Beauty

It would be a terrific solution if there was a way to use the time machine to travel back in time and take something like tweezers out of your hands. Since this is impossible, the greatest current alternative is microblading eyebrows.

Most people whose childhood years were between 1990 and 2000 are familiar with how fashion changed throughout that period and everyone fell prey to its fads. We spent hours in front of the mirror trying to achieve the “perfect beauty” to resemble celebrities having narrow, almost invisible eyebrows. Stereotypes have a significant impact on culture. Nevertheless, it’s a fact of modern life that thick, natural eyebrows are once again in style, and since that time, self-confidence has plummeted.

After years of thinning, dyeing, and other eyebrow treatments, cosmetologists found a more effective and permanent way to create beauty – microblading. Although using paints and cosmetics is not difficult, and the effect is minimal, why not give it a shot?

Even though it has been two weeks after the initial session, there is already a noticeable difference between the microbladed eyebrows before and after. I’d like to share some information with you if you’re considering getting this beauty therapy procedure done as well.

Make sure you are aware of what microblading is

Most of the time, we have a superficial knowledge of the cosmetic service. This happened to me too, however I was lucky enough to meet a professional who was able to explain to me every detail about the procedure and walk me through each step. Despite my successful experience, I recommend not repeating such mistakes and understanding in advance to avoid unpleasant moments and consider whether it is worth microblading eyebrows. You will be able to feel confident and not apprehensive about the microblading operation before and after knowing exactly how the service should be performed as a result.

Returning to the idea itself, let’s find out what “microblading” is.  According to a senior specialist at the salon academy, “HD Beauty Permanent Make Up Academy,” microblading is a unique technique for creating thin lines on the skin that resemble hair by introducing pigment that matches the chosen tone. As microblading is a type of permanent makeup, it shouldn’t be regarded as a full-fledged tattoo because the pigment will ultimately fade. In this case, the artist should make the strokes as realistic as possible.

Consider your skin type, as it can affect the result.

Note that the skin does not always correspond to one of the defining types. One day, your skin may be mixed; the next day, oily like mine or vice versa. Talking to a cosmetology therapist, you will learn that it makes a big difference if you want to get your eyebrows microbladed. If the master does not have specific knowledge, the result can be unpredictable.

It can be regarded as art or painting. Applying lines on the skin, a cosmetologist considers as drawing with paints on paper of different types. The paint will blur if the base is greasy, therefore you should aim to demonstrate clarity. It is easier to complete the task while microblading the eyes on dry skin since the paint adheres precisely to the desired location and is rapidly and thoroughly absorbed.

Do not worry if you don`t get the procedure done because of your skin type. Although it is not a contraindication,  but it affects the period that you will be happy with your eyebrows. Compared to oily skin, dry skin maintains color significantly better. You can also predict the result based on this. The owners of epidermis with increasing fatness will need to visit the salon more frequently to update if they want to constantly seem attractive, preserve the original clarity, and keep their aesthetics. You will have plenty of time to evaluate this spectacular result and comprehend what microblading eyebrows before and after entails. However, they estimate that pigment will remain in the body for roughly 6 months.

How much can microblading cost?

At HD Beauty Permanent Make Up Academy, microblading costs $550 for one standard procedure. Of course, if you want to have it done by a master of a higher level or use a combination with powder, it will be more expensive, starting from 650 dollars. In many salons, the services cost directly depends on the therapist who provides them. Dermablaiding, which the primary specialist will conduct, can cost twice as much as if an average master handles it.

Also, the cost often indicates professionalism, experience, and skills. Being very careful about my face, I would rather pay more, but a professional in his field performed the treatment. You must understand that you are paying for the time of a skilled artist who won’t do any experiments on your face.

On the other hand, many individuals search for less expensive services. In this case, it is best to consider whether getting eyebrow microblading at a significantly reduced cost is worthwhile because it may indicate the level of service quality.

Does using “inspirational” photos help?

Yes and no. Have you noticed that salons display before and after pictures of microblading eyebrows to showcase their work? They claim you can comprehend how proficient beauticians perform their tasks and how the procedure generally looks in person. However, choosing the eyebrows’ form and color is not worthwhile if you are only looking at the photographs. The contour of the face, proportions, brow bone, skin tone, hair, and other elements all play a role in this process. Only in collaboration with an expert and using their data the appropriate performance can be skillfully chosen to produce the desired outcome.

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist should share his plan.

For each person, microblading takes a different amount of time; for me, it took a few hours. The artist spent much time choosing and creating the selected shape during the session. Using a unique black marker, the master individually painted the brow’s shape. It was almost entirely clear what the brows’ form and starting and ending points would look like. The specialist posed a crucial question: Were there any changes or criticisms of the work that should be made? Every licensed cosmetologist should perform this since it offers confidence that you’re waiting for quality microblading of your eyebrows and gives you the chance to transform your appearance.

If you look at the cosmetologist’s portfolio with his previous works, you can see that they are all different. People before and after microblading eyebrows are completely different, each has its own appeal and specialty. This once again shows that microblading is a real art form, where the artist brings something new from himself into each work.

Microblading should be felt but not painful.

Few people enjoy being poked with needles or experiencing pain, and many people are very anxious when they realize how close to their eyes the needle will pierce the skin. You can relax at this stage because cosmetologists numb the region they are working on, using a particular lotion and giving it time to work. Therefore, it is worth considering when making an appointment.

The operation should go smoothly and with little discomfort when consulting a knowledgeable physician. Even so, feelings will still be slightly unpleasant. You should anticipate a minor tingling or scratchy feeling at the treatment site after the surgery during the day as the anesthetic cream gradually wears off.

Your eyebrows will look dark for a few weeks.

This point is worth considering, and it does not matter whether or not the eyebrows are microblading dark. As the specialist notes, you should expect that after the procedure, the area will darken for a few days, and then the skin will begin to slough off. This is how it happened, already within six hours after undergoing the session, the eyebrows began to darken. Their brightness for the first four days had a significant effect and attracted attention.

Despite the artist’s warnings, in reality, it may not look like you were expecting it after all. The eyebrows will have an unpleasant appearance until they start flaking, and there is nothing you can do about it. You can imagine that many people will be bothered by this period and even want to stay at home to avoid people’s gazes. But notice, no one will treat you more critically than you. Few will compare and vividly express emotions, as it seems to you. It is better for this period to accept yourself as you are, and dark eyebrows will not interfere. In addition, they can be somewhat “camouflaged” with bangs or a cap.

Six-week recovery with effects lasting roughly two years.

The initial effect will undoubtedly be apparent immediately, but it won’t be as lovable as it will be later. Usually, it takes six to eight weeks to heal before you can see the finished product. You’ll appreciate that your eyebrows will lighten, and the pigment in the separation areas starts to vanish after just a few weeks.

How long will microblading please you?

There is no unambiguous answer to this question. It depends on the individual characteristics of each person. Cosmetologists claim that a variety of elements, such as the kind of skin, way of life, or something else, determine how long a result lasts. Dark pigments typically last longer than light pigments. You must also consider the effects of solar UV light, which causes paint to fade and discolor.

At first, you will not be able to wash your eyebrows and need changes in care and makeup.

As we have already determined, eyebrows heal within two weeks after the session. During this period, it is crucial to follow special care – the first day, you can not wash up, and even sweat will prove harmful. Subsequent time will also require maintenance, which depends on the type of pigment, “dry” or “liquid,” and the method of application used by the master. The beautician offered me a special cream, which protected my eyebrows from the environment and encouraged healing these two weeks.

It is also worth considering that during the healing period, you should avoid staying in the sun, applying makeup in the area of the eyebrows, excessive sweating, visiting the sauna, and other procedures. Such an unpleasant factor as peeling eyebrows should just endure, without additional intervention and picking – this will only worsen the healing process and negatively affect the preservation of color.

In addition, the usual skincare and makeup will require some changes. Before and after microblading, as well as two weeks before the session, you should avoid retinol and cosmetics containing it. This substance, especially in high concentrations, makes the skin more sensitive. It will help to reduce irritation and discomfort.

When applying makeup, you should take great care to avoid getting foundation, concealer, or shadows in the brow bone area. Applying makeup on healing skin can aggravate the condition, delay healing, and possibly cause an infection to emerge, according to the HD Beauty Permanent Make Up Academy’s beautician. Giving up makeup for two weeks would be simpler than always carrying this danger with you. Use a cotton swab or sponge to go around the delicate area if you must. After microblading, covering the eyebrow with a napkin while applying makeup will be effective.

The next visit to the salon is the key to a perfect result.

Two months after the treatment, you can finalize the result to perfection when the healing process is over. Therefore, HD Beauty Permanent Make Up Academy provides a corrective session during which any modifications can be made, including tone, contour, or thickness.

As the cosmetologist explains, if the client schedules a second appointment, it will be possible to assess the outcome properly, modify the microblading of the eyebrows, and adjust the post-treatment maintenance. It may be needed to apply finishing touches, fill in the spaces, subtly alter the shape—do whatever to prolong the enjoyment of the ideal outcome by 6–18 months. Without seeing the future, some masters do not insist on a second session, demonstrating a lack of professionalism. The second session is crucial for assessing healing, health, and beauty.

Microblading is not for everyone.

You may not yet consider microblading as the best option for your eyebrows, but at the same time, you want to make them attractive. Well, a modern professional salon has a variety of techniques and tools that will help unlock the potential of your eyebrows, bringing them to perfection. The client can choose lamination, eyebrow blonding, coloring, powder and nano-brows, and more.

Of course, it is best to discuss each cosmetic operation with a beautician and select the one that is best for you. Your brows may grow in different directions and require specific grooming. Or perhaps you significantly altered your appearance, in which case bleaching or microblading dark eyebrows will be necessary depending on your hair color. Do you want to play with shadows and give the impression of wearing artistic makeup by dipping your brows in a thin veil? If so, nano-brows are your ideal option. Or do you have awful thin eyebrows despite having thick ones? Then, you will value the laminating process.

A skilled cosmetologist or artist will invariably come up with a solution that will make you happy.
